
Demand for 0.2~0.3mm Glass Substrate Is Rising

According to the newest market report from IDC, it shows that China's multimedia tablet device market volume to reach 855,000 total units, which accounted for nearly 60% of Apple's market share in the first quarter of 2011.
However, with such market conditions along with the rising demand for tablet PCs and the transfer of certain mid-to-small size products to the Gen5 production line, the demand for 0.3mm or even 0.2mm slim glass has been rising up.
In the past years, because of the limitation of panel production equipment the, glass substrate makers have been reluctant to increase product complexity which could cause the loss of production capacity. Therefore the thicknesses of glass substrates are fixed among production lines of all generations. WV research indicated that the mainstream thickness of traditional glass substrate in Gen5 panel production line is 0.5mm.
However, along with the rising demand for tablet PCs and the transfer of certain mid-to-small size products to the Gen5 production line, the demand for 0.3mm or even 0.2mm slim glass has been rising up.
Traditionally panel makers will reduce the thickness of 0.5mm glass substrate and colour filter to 0.3mm or 0.2mm with chemical etching method. However, in light of significantly increased demand, limited production capacity, and greatly increased overall cost of chemical etchings, panel makers are considering making related products directly on 0.3mm glass substrates. Considering the high cost but low yield of equipment modification for 0.3mm, the short-term plan for panel maker is to make 0.4mm glass substrate the mainstream thickness for Gen5 production line and to lower overall production cost through reduction of time required for substrate thinning to 0.3mm.
In terms of the supply of glass substrate, WV research thinks that along with the diversified panel demands for associated glass substrates such as TFT substrate, LTPS substrate and cover glass, glass makers have modified their previous stubborn attitudes towards glass thickness specifications with the hope that through production of slim glass, the production volume can be increased without increasing capital expenditure for new glass furnaces. By enhancing the production scale and capacity of slim glass, it is hopeful that the price of slim glass can get closer to existing product to stimulate the continuous growing demands from panel makers for slim glass.
WV research points out that with the gradual maturation of existing panel products; the rising demand for slim semiconductor products has become the recent highlight. Both the supply side and demand side of glass substrate have been developing along this direction based on the considerations of cost, production scale and price strategy. Therefore we can foresee that the conversion to slim glass becomes the major revolution for panel production process within one or two years.
 Aticle source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/279.html
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HTC Shows You How to Step into Another Market

During the past years, HTC made great success with its evolution into a cellphone brand which had  yielded huge dividends. But recently according to the latest electronic news, HTC is now embarking upon the next stage of evolution, focusing on expanding into the automotive realm and establishing itself as a supplier of location-based services that developers can use as platforms. 
HTC has spent several years transforming itself from a contract manufacturer of cellphones into one of the world’s leading smartphone brands, and in its latest financial results at the end of April, HTC announced that device shipments grew 192 percent year-over-year to 9.7 million units.
Actually, we can clearly see how HTC can go so far from cellphones market to automotive area. When it was in mobile phone time, it was so wise for them to offer Windows Phone 7 devices and the majority of its devices are based on the Android operating system, which must stay virtually unchanged regardless of device. In contrast, Android provides developers and handset makers alike an open platform to differentiate their products from the competition.

Furthermore, though Android features a host of location-based services, Footprints, an application that enables users to permanently chronicle favorite places and locations by recording location information and geotagged content on their phones, is still included in HTC Android devices, allowing users to view locations on Google Maps for Mobile and launch into Google Maps Navigation. As such, Footprints provides HTC with an opportunity to achieve differentiation from the Android competition.

In addition, HTC went one step further in September 2010 with the introduction of the Desire HD and Desire Z phones. These two devices were the first to include a new service called HTC Locations, which renders user networks independent by storing map data on the phones.

When comes to the newest area of interest for HTC, it is the automotive sector. At the Geneva Auto Salon this year, automaker Rinspeed introduced its BamBoo concept equipped with a VDO display as well as an HTC Flyer. 
Some commented that HTC has seen tremendous growth in its handset business, fueled in large part by the Android platform. Now the company is positioning itself as an essential part of the mobile value chain with the development of its own premium features like HTC Locations, as well as developer programs. Therefore, it will allow much more semiconductor applications to be tied tightly into the HTC branded user experience.

 Aticle Source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/277.html
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ARM Processors: We Are Being Stronger on PC Market

According to electronics’ latest news, it said that ARM is expected to achieve its biggest successes in the value notebook segment during the next few years.
Figures from processor market said that Spurred by next year’s introduction of Microsoft Corp.’s new ARM-enabled Windows 8 operating system, ARM-based systems will account for 22.9 percent of global notebook PC unit shipments in 2015, up from 3 percent in 2012. Shipments will reach 74 million ARM notebooks in 2015, compared to 7.6 million in 2012.
IHS expected that with shipments of ARM processors set to soar in the coming years and projected to appear in nearly one out of every four notebook PCs made in 2015, the PC microprocessor (MPU) market finally is set for some real competition though the Intel has been dominated the microarchitecture for more than 30 years.

 “Starting in 1981, when IBM first created its original PC based on Intel’s 8088 microprocessor, the X86 architecture has dominated the PC market,” said Matthew Wilkins, principal analyst of compute platforms for IHS. “Over the next generation, billions of PCs were shipped based on X86 microprocessors supplied by Intel and assorted rivals—mainly Advanced Micro Devices Inc. However, the days of X86’s unchallenged domination are coming to an end as Windows 8 opens the door for the use of the ARM processor, which already has achieved enormous popularity in the mobile phone and tablet worlds.”

However, the ARM processer has to thanks the Windows 8 PC system. To be introduced in 2012, Windows 8 is expected to support ARM-based PC systems in some versions. Microsoft at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January announced that Windows 8 would work with ARM-based system on chip (SoC) designs, whereas the company’s flagship operating system has supported only standalone X86 microprocessors in the past. ARM support will enable the full-fledged Windows PC operating system to work on highly integrated chips that are more space- and power-efficient than traditional X86 microprocessors, such as the ARM devices used in smartphones and media tablets.

When turn to the performance of ARM processors, it said that value notebooks are designed to deliver the optimal price/performance to consumers with a price of less than $700.

 “ARM is well-suited for value notebooks, where performance isn’t a key criterion for buyers,” Wilkins said. “Value notebook buyers are looking for basic systems that balance an affordable price with reasonable performance. ARM processors deliver acceptable performance at a very low cost, along with unrivaled power efficiency.” It is quite an good opportunity to look forward to a growth of PCelectronic componentsunder such conditions.
 Article Source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/275.html

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How to Choose The Correct Temperature Sensor?

The use of various physical properties of materials with temperature variation of the sensor that converts temperature to electricity. These show regular changes of the physical nature of the main body. Temperature sensor is a core part of the temperature measuring instruments, which is a wide variety. By measuring method it can be divided into two major categories: contact and non-contact. According to characteristics of the sensor materials and electronic components, sensor are divided into two types of RTD and thermocouple. If you want to make reliable temperature measurements, you need for your application to select the correct temperature sensor. Thermocouple, thermistor, platinum resistance (RTD) and the temperature is the most commonly used IC temperature sensor in the test

Thermocouple is the most commonly used sensor in the temperature measurement. Its main advantage is a wide temperature range and adapt to the atmospheric environment, and strong, low price, without power, especially the cheapest. Thermocouple connected at one end by the two different metal lines form, when heated at one end of the thermocouple, thermocouple circuit potential difference there. Potential difference measurements can be used to calculate the temperature.

However, the nonlinear relationship between voltage and temperature is shown as below. And because of this, the need for the reference temperature (Tref) for the second measurement, and the use of test equipment software and / or hardware within the instrument handle voltage - temperature changes, to finally get the thermocouple temperature (Tx). Agilent34970A and 34980A data acquisition system equipped with an internal measure of computing power.
In short, the thermocouple is the simplest and most common temperature sensors, but the thermocouple is not suitable for precision applications.

Thermistor is a semiconductor material; most of them are negative temperature coefficient, i.e. resistance decreases with increasing temperature. Temperature changes will cause a large resistance to change, so it is the most sensitive temperature sensor. But poor linearity of the thermistor, and a great relationship with the production process. Manufacturers to not standardized thermistor curves.

Thermistor is very small; the response to temperature change is also fast. But need to use the thermistor current source, the small size also makes it extremely sensitive to the self-heating errors.

Thermal resistance measurement in the two lines is the absolute temperature and better accuracy, but it is expensive even than the heat can be measured is less than the thermocouple temperature range. A common thermistor resistance at 25 ℃ to 5kΩ, per 1 ℃ temperature change caused by changes in the resistance 200Ω. Note 10Ω lead resistance caused only a negligible error of 0.05 ℃. It is ideal for fast and sensitive measurement of current temperature control applications. Small size for applications requiring a space is beneficial, but must be taken to avoid self-heating errors.

Measurement Techniques
Thermistor is small is an advantage, it can quickly stabilize and will not cause heat load. But also it not enough strong, high current will cause self-heating. As the thermistor is a resistive device, any current source will be in on it because of power caused by heat. Power equal to the square of the current and the resistance of the product. Therefore, to use a small current source. If the thermistor is exposed to heat, will result in permanent damage.

Platinum Resistance Temperature Sensor
Similar to the thermistor, platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD) is made of heat-sensitive platinum resistance. When the voltage is calculated by measuring the RTD temperature, digital multimeter measuring current source with a known source of the current generated by voltage. The voltage of two lead (Vlead) plus the voltage drop on the voltage on the RTD (Vtemp). For example, commonly used RTD resistance of 100Ω, per 1 ℃ produced only 0.385Ω resistance changes. 10Ω per lead if there is resistance, it will result in 26 ℃ for measurement error, which is unacceptable. It should be 4-wire Ohm RTD measurement.

RTD is the most accurate and stable temperature sensor, and its linearity over the thermocouple and thermistor. But also the slowest and most expensive RTD temperature sensor. Therefore, the most suitable for precision RTD strict requirements, speed and price is not a key application.
Temperature IC
Temperature integrated circuit (IC) is a digital temperature sensor, it has a very linear voltage / current - temperature relationship. Some even have representatives of the temperature sensor IC, and the microprocessor can be read directly form the digital output.

Two temperature Ics have the following temperature relationship:
1. Voltage IC: 10 mV / K.
2. Current IC: 1μA / K.
The output temperature IC output is very linear voltage / ℃. Voltage is actually produced / Kelvin, so when the room temperature 1 ℃ output of about 3V. Temperature IC requires external power supply. Temperature of IC is usually embedded in the circuit and not used for detection.
Temperature IC drawback is the limited range of temperature, there are also the same self-heating is not strong and needs external power supply problems. In short, the IC provides temperature that is proportional to the temperature readings readable way. It is cheap, but also by the configuration and the speed limit.
Measurement Techniques:
• Temperature IC bulky, so it changes slowly, and may result in heat load.
• Take the temperature IC to the close room temperature occasion; this is its most popular applications. Although the range is limited, but can also measure the temperature of 150 ℃.

We have discussed the various types of commonly used temperature sensors the advantages and disadvantages. If you understand the necessary balance for your application carefully select the right sensor, you can avoid common shortcomings and reliable temperature measurement

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Which Electronic Segments Should We Pay Attention To?

Yesterday, IHS released a report that the MEMS sensors market is set to return to growth in 2010 after two straight years of decline, according to iSuppli Corp.

IHS’s figure indicates that MEMS revenue forecast from 2006 to 2014, with revenue dipping in 2008 and then bottoming out in 2009 as a result of the global recession.

The expected rise in MEMS revenue this year will mirror an equivalent increase in MEMS unit shipments, anticipated to reach 4.14 billion units, up from 3.44 billion units in 2009. Overall, MEMS shipments will log an impressive 19.5 percent CAGR to top 8.5 billion units by 2014, iSuppli data indicates.

By 2014, Bouchaud said both sectors will generate $3.2 billion in value, accounting for 32 percent of total MEMS market revenues.

However, there are evidences that to prove these results.

On one hand, Firstly, it benefits a lot from automotive industry. It said that, MEMS sensor production for automotive applications likewise remains high, with the market set to rebound in 2010 after a fall last year. Factors stimulating the growth of automotive MEMS include anticipated stronger shipments of cars from 2010 to 2014, mandates in the United States and Europe for vehicular safety systems, and continuing regulation in the reduction of harmful emissions.

On the other hand, enjoying robust growth is the high-value MEMS market for the industrial, medical and aerospace-defense sectors. With a projected CAGR of 13.7 percent from 2009 to 2014, the MEMS market for these segments will be worth $2.3 billion at the end of the forecast period, iSuppli data tells us.

When turn to 2011, analysts expected that MEMS displays will make a comeback, thanks not only to pico projectors but also to new types of MEMS flat-panel technologies for portable electronics. MEMS microphones and BAW filters will increase their penetration, while completely new types of MEMS actuators will bring significant additional revenue for switches or varicaps and autofocus for camera phones.
Among MEMS electronic components, three segments will exceed the $1 billion mark this year, and two others will be close to joining that list by 2014. Obviously, there is a quite optimistic benefits period for MEMS market.
 Article Source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/271.html

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NAND Flash Memory Slightly Better Than The DRAM

After a hard second quarter, the memory industry has been in other situation, but many believe that this market cannot recover so soon in the third quarter. It is predicated that the NAND Flash industry will recover in the third quarter, because the demand of consumer electronics will increase.

However, the practitioners have different views on the DRAM market. The price reduction of has become the finality in July; some practitioners maintain that the price will stop decreasing; the other practitioners think it will continue to reduce. On the whole, the NAND Flash is better than the DRAM industry, but the good situation will not last too long. 

The price reduction of DRAM has become the finality in July, and the low demand of personal computer is the most important reason. The price reduction of the DRAM would stimulate the system manufacturers to update the capacity of memory module in the past years, but they are not willing to update the capacity at this time. The practitioners of DIGITIMES maintain that the low demand of personal computer and the small capacity of the memory make the DRAM market depressed. In the aspect of processing miniature, every <a href=http://www.hqew.net>electronic components</a> factory has its bottleneck which cannot convert the relationship between supply and demand.

What is more, the personal computer stocks in European market are still in the stage of high-class consumption. The problems, such as rate of unemployment and oil price in America, the inflation in mainland of China, make the market uncertain in the third quarter. Some practitioners think that that the reason will come in August, and the price will increase at that time. The traditional on season is still existed, but it will not as strong as before. But some practitioners do not agree with them.

The price of DRAM has not become better, but even declines. The situation of the Taiwan DRAM manufacturers will be harder and harder. Although all the Taiwan manufacturers change the 40 NANO processing generation, it costs1.5 US dollars at most, which cannot compete with the present price.

According to the memory industry analysis, the applications of NANDFlash include solid-state hard drive, tabletcomputers, smart phones, industrial computers, although demand on these products is not as strong as before, but it is still worth of expectations. As12-inch wafer Factories, the large international companies, are probably slowing down the new cast film speed, then it is expected prices of NANDFlash will potentially rebound in Q3 and for the Q4, it remains unclear.

 Article source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/263.html

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IMS: PV Inverter Industry Will Decline in 2011

According to “The World Market for PV Inverters, a market report from IMS Research, following 2010’s massive increase, the global PV inverter market is predicted to decline below $6bn in 2011, a fall of more than 10%.
“We predict that installations will grow by 16% in 2011, driven by demand in Asia and Americas, however shipments of PV inverters will in fact fall by around 5% due to the oversupply into the market towards the end of 2010. In addition, both like-for-like and average prices will fall resulting in a decline in industry revenues“, commented Ash Sharma, Senior Research Director for PV at IMS Research and co-author of the report’s 4th edition.
Although the actual numbers are not low, but the large-scale growth in 2010 makes it difficult to keep the follow-up development .

IMS Research’s report “The World Market for PV Inverters” which relies on revenue and shipment data from more than 100 suppliers revealed a very mixed outlook for the PV inverter industry this year.

Sharma pay great concerns on suppliers’ conditions when commented on inverter market.

Suppliers of inverters have faced intense pricing pressure in 1H’11 and like-for-like prices have fallen already by 10-15% in some cases, “Some major suppliers have made even steeper cuts particularly in emerging markets to buy market share. However product mix change caused by new markets gaining share, introductions of new models, such as those with reactive power capability, and shifts in some segments to smaller inverters will help maintain average prices.” added Sharma.

As such the research firm’s report predicts that overall inverter prices will fall by only 8% in 2011.

Despite the outlook for industry revenues looking bleak, it is not all bad news according the report and industry revenues in 2011 will still be significantly higher than 2009.

“2011 will still be a good year for the PV inverter industry, but of course not so good when compared to the phenomenal 2010. Shipments will still exceed 20 GW again and revenues around $6bn – more than double the amount generated back in 2009”, commented Sharma.

Whilst total PV inverter industry revenues may fall this year, major growth opportunities are still possible for some suppliers: “Despite a major slowdown in some European markets in 2011, we predict robust growth in many Asian countries as well as the USA which will benefit some suppliers more than others. Furthermore we’re forecasting excellent growth for large inverters used in MW-scale installations as well as small 3-phase string inverters for commercial applications” commented Sharma. “Small 3-phase string inverters grew by a massive 560% in 2010 driven by high demand in commercial systems due to their ease of installations and scalability. Their penetration is forecast to increase further in almost every geographic market”, concluded Sharma.

When consider in long term, although it predicts industry revenues will decline this year, the report from IMS Research shows a very positive long-term outlook for the industry with revenues exceeding $10bn by 2015. That means that if we could make it through, there are still many chances to win this electronic component market. 
 Article source: http://www.hqew.net/events/news-article/247.html

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Linear Announces The LTC3634 Synchronous Buck Regulator Used in DDR Memory Power Supply

 LTC3634, the high efficiency, dual-channel monolithic synchronous step-down regulator from Linear Technology, provides power supply and bus termination rails for DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3 SDRAM controllers.

The LTC3634 is ideal for cell Li-Ion applications as well as 5V and 12V intermediate bus systems because of its 3.6V to 15V working input voltages.

The LTC3634 incorporates a unique constant frequency/controlled on-time, current mode architecture, which is ideal for powering DDR applications from a 12V input supply at high switching frequencies. Its termination voltage, VTT, is set to ½ of VDDQ down to 0.6V with accuracy of ±1.6%. The combination of a monolithic design and switching frequencies as high as 4MHz, which enable the use of tiny, low cost capacitors and inductors, provides a very compact, high efficiency solution for DDR power applications.

Each channel of the LTC3634 uses internal switches with RDS(ON) of only 65mOhms and 130mOhms to deliver efficiencies as high as 95%. The two channels run 180 degrees out of phase, minimizing the size of both input and output capacitance. An on-chip buffer capable of driving a 10mA load provides a low noise reference output (VTTR) also at VDDQ/2. Additional features include power good voltage monitors, input overvoltage and over temperature protection, and short circuit protection. 

The LTC3634EUFD uses a 4mm x 5mm QFN-28, while LTC3634EFE is available in a 28-lead TSSOP package. Prices of both prices are at $4.25 and $4.40 each in 1,000-piece quantities. Industrial grade versions, the LTC3634IUFD and LTC3634IFE, are guaranteed to operate over the -40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range and are priced at $4.72 and $4.89 each, respectively, in 1,000-piece quantities.

Its features:
1. 3.6V to 15V Input Voltage Range
2. VDDQ, VTT, VTTR Outputs
3. Up to ±3A Output Current
4. Up to 95% Efficiency
5. Selectable 90°/180° Phase Shift Between Channels
6. Adjustable Switching Frequency:500kHz to 4MHz
7. 10mA BufferedVTTR = VDDQ/2 = VTT Reference
8. ± 1.6% Accurate VTTR at 0.75V 
9.Optimal VOUT Range: 0.6V to 3V
10. Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line & Load Transient Response
11. External Clock Synchronization
12. Short-Circuit Protected
13. Input Overvoltage & Overtemperature Protection
14. Power Good Status Outputs
15. Available in (4mm x 5mm) QFN-28 & Thermally Enhanced 28-Lead TSSOP Packages

See more products like lm358, LTC3634 just stay with HQEW.NET.

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