
Mobile Phone Camera Flash LED Circuit Diagram

This circuit diagram below is amobile phonecamera Flash circuit diagram at a peak current of the 100-200 Ma. With a AAT3110IGU-4.5 V capacitive charge pump, it rises the lithium battery voltage and stabilizes it at 4.5 V. The AAT3110IGU-4.5V capacitive charge pump provides 4.5 V working voltage and 100-200 mA peak current to the EL-61-25UWC Flash LED, and together with the FDG335N MOSFET as the flash lamp switch , the peak current flows through it to form the loop.
For this charge pump, the input filter capacitor is 10 uF, the output filter capacitor is 4.7 uF and the dc capacitor is 1 uF; as for the ESR, the small ones are X7R, X5R ceramic capacitors and the RB is Flash LED balancing resistors, the RF is the adjustment resistor for peak current, it can set the peak current value when changing the RF value. 

