ZXMN10B08E6TA is a new generation of TRENCH MOSFETs from Zetex, which utilizes a unique structure that combines the benefits of low on-resistance with fast switching speed. This makes them ideal for high efficiency, low voltage, power management applications.
Features for ZXMN10B08E6TA:
1.Low on-resistance
2.Fast switching speed
3.Low threshold
4.Low gate drive
5.SOT23-6 package
Applications of ZXMN10B08E6TA:
1. DC - DC Converters
2. Power Management Functions
3. Disconnect switches
3. Motor control
ZXMN10B08E6TA is a commonly used electronic product, seeing more sdetails about ZXMN10B08E6TA, please visit http://www.hqew.net.