
What Place of B45196H3476M409 in Your Mobile Phone?

B45196H3476M409 is a electronic component which you can see in your mobile phones and your laptops. Let’s unveil such part that is providing service for your telecommunications.

What B45196H3476M409 looks:

1.     Polar tantalum capacitors with solid
2.     Electrolyte
3.     Conventional TaMnO2 technology
4.     Flame-retardant plastic case (UL 94 V-0)
5.     Optionally tinned or gold-plated terminals

1.     Ultra-high volumetric efficiency
2.     Excellent solderability
3.     Stable temperature and frequency characteristics
4.     Low leakage current, low dissipation factor
5.     Low self-inductance
6.     High resistance to shock and vibration
7.     Suitable for use without series resistor (special operating conditions recommended
8.     Lead-free and material content compatible with RoHS
9.     Some partnumbers are only available in M (±20%) tolerance; these types have a maximum
10.   capacitance drift at +125 °C of +20%

What are B45196H3476M409’s applications:
1.     Telecommunications (e.g. mobile phones, infrastructure)
2.     Data processing (e.g. laptops, mainframes)
3.     Measuring and control engineering (e.g. voltage regulators)
4.     Automotive electronics (e.g. safety applications e.g airbags, ABS, motor management)
5.     Medical engineering
6.     DC/DC converters

