TheMABBOXXHfamily of single-chip 8-bit microcontrollers in fabricated in NMOS.
Three interchangeable (pin compatible)versions are available:
MAB8048H:1K bytes mask-programmed ROM,64 bytes RAM
MAB8035HL:ROM-less version of theMAB8048H
MAB8049H:2K bytes mask-programmed ROM,128 bytes RAM
MAB8039HL:ROM-less version of theMAB8049H
MAB8050H:4K bytes mask-programmed ROM,256 bytes RAM
MAB8040HL:ROM-less version of the MAB8050H
These microcontrollers are designed to be efficient control processors as well as arithmetic processors. Their instruction set allows the user to directly set and reset individual I/O lines as well as test individual bits within the accumulator.A large variety of branch and table look-up instructions enable efficient implementation of standard logic functions. Code efficiency is high, over 70% of the instructions are single byte; all others are two byte.
8-bit CPU,ROM,RAM and I/O
8-bit counter/timer
On-chip oscillator and clock driver circuits
Single-level interrupts:accumulator,16 addressable registers
Over 90 instructions 1 or 2 cycles
Easily expandable memory and 27 I/O lines
TTL compatible inputs and outputs
Single 5V supply
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