
Recent Price Update for BFP520

Basic parameters 
Product Category: NPN high frequency low power transistor 
Manufacturer: Siemens 
The maximum reverse voltage set-based: 12V 
The direction of the maximum base-emitter voltage: 1V 
Maximum base electrode current: 40MA 
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation: 100 MA 
Minimum current gain: 50 
Maximum current gain: 150 
Characteristic frequency: 45000Mhz 
Noise Figure: 1 db 
Gain: 23db 
Output 1db compression point: 12dbm 
As of third-order focal point adjustment: 25dbm 

Price Updated 

BFP520’s recent price is relatively stable. Trading volume from the major electronic component 
site, is still relatively good. The price of this product is expected to stay at around 0.8yuan /pcs. Though it is a hot sale product, there is no big change to its price due to the guaranteed supply source. 

